27 July 2010

Pretty Pretty Pictures

Here's a picture update of what's been happening recently--more details about these pictures are in the post below. Sorry that some are sideways-can't seem to get them to behave like I want!

First Presbyterian, Columbus! Had to take a picture since we enjoyed it so much!

Some of the memorials different states built for their soldiers who spent time/died at Andersonville.

The prison was built to hold 6,000 prisoners-it's only 16 acres. Instead, it held on average 13,000-ahh, talk about overcrowding!

What it looked like: lots of tent shelters...

Andersonville (also known as Ft. Sumter). Prison for over 45,000 soldiers during the Civil War.


Clay and Cameron at BigStuf playing a game while we waited to go into the main session room.

More shenanagins with the youngsters!

Epic dance party in 1026 at BigStuf. This is why we got no sleep...

Hey look, I'm going to finish giving you the house tour! Except I definitely uploaded them in the wrong order, so scroll down and then come back up to get the full effect of 'walking through' the house!
The side of our bedroom--Mrs. Shamburger's dresser! And I just love the built in bookshelves. It used to be a doorway that the closed in and put in shelves-ingenious!

Our bedroom!

Bathroom! So exciting. No counter space=problems. Well, it's not as bad as having two girls who had blowdryers, curling irons, etc. but this house's bathrooms are definitely not teenage-girl friendly!

Sideways. Strange. This is the hallway to the 'master suite'. The bathroom is on the left.

Washer and dryer! Super exciting. Also the doorway to our 'master suite'.

The flip-side of the guest bedroom...Our old rocking chair and the bookshelf my dad built. It's the first piece of furniture he ever made! As you can see, we're going to need him to build another one as this one is already full...

The guest bed! I also have a blow up mattress, comfy couch, and two sleeping bags, so do not worry-I can accommodate you!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Is this thing working?...