So after my 'smoke session' on Friday I got in the car and drove 6 hours! Talk about some sore muscles afterwards! But it was completely worth it, as I ended up in Jackson, Mississippi at the end of my trek! I don't care what people say about Mississippi: I love it. Something just hits you when you cross the state line...feel like you're home! Maybe that's why Mississippi's welcome sign says this:
The sign-makers must feel it too! Anyhoo, I stayed with my old roomie Krystina and we had so much fun! We spent most of Friday night catching up on life, with her mostly telling me crazy stories about where she works! She works at an inner-city church and gets to interact with a lot of the homeless community on a daily basis-she has some great stories about learning about herself and the people who visit her everyday! Saturday Stacey and Zach got into town and Karen and Jared came over too--a roommate reunion, plus husbands! We had so much fun together, catching up, telling stories, and hearing what's new in all of our 'adult' lives....Although I still feel like we should all still be in college, living together, watching Friends, eating ice cream (except you might find Stacey eating lettuce...) and sitting on our lovely red couch!
Saturday night we headed out to have dinner at this awesome place called Sal and Mookie's. When the girls were saying it's name though, I thought it was spelled "Salimuki's", and I thought it had something to do with we all know, not exactly my favorite! Except of course, for the fried rice :) No instead it was a New York style pizza/calzone/stromboli type place! And it was so. incredibly. delicious. I might drive 6 more hours just to eat there again! Needless to say, I was NOT hungry at the reception! We headed to the wedding and I got to see my parents and my brother who were also at the wedding, as well as the rest of our MSU friends! Such a glorious reunion. Lots of big hugs, laughs, and smiling! Not to mention dancing. We pretty much tore up the dance floor all night long, only stopping for a few water breaks! Anna was a beautiful bride and everything was gorgeous at the reception--pictures are coming, I promise! I'm usually so excited to write to you all that I don't like to waste time uploading pictures while I write-ha! Hence a second forthcoming post with pictures :) Plus I never know where to put the caption: above, or below? Above, and you get confused with what picture it goes with. Below, and you see all the picture before the caption...ah the dilemma! But thankfully for me, I don't think these wedding pictures are going to need many captions-they sort of speak for themself...
I headed back to Fort Benning was a long drive. Boo. You might be wondering why Brian didn't make it to the wedding with me...well, he was at the lake with our dear friends the Arants and Abernathys! We had to do a little double duty this weekend with our social schedule! He reported that they had a lot of fun; they took out the jet skis (AKA, death on water when Brian's driving...watching him usually takes about 2 years off of my life and will probably make gray hair come prematurely...), and got to catch up a lot. Hopefully we'll do it again soon and I can go with him! I love the lake: it's the easiest way to get a tan because the breeze off the boat doesn't make you hot while you're laying out. Matt always drives the boat and we boost up his ego by telling him he looks like quite the ladies man with three girls tanning on his boat!
Brian is in the field this week-should be home Thursday at 13:00! That's 1 PM. Ok, this never happens-a SUPER early release! Unfortunately I have a meeting at 3, but I'm hoping it'll be quick so I can get home and see him! Not seeing him much this weekend really made it feel like we hadn't had any time together, so I'm eager to see him! I feel bad for the guys-the past two times they've been out in the field it's rained! I mean, it probably feels pretty good but then you have to deal with wet gear and clothes for quite a few hours-no thanks. And those ACU's don't dry super fast. Brian's in leadership this week, so praying that he does well!
Some other random updates before I let you go...I've been applying for jobs, so we'll see what comes back! Just put in most of the applications last week, so it may be awhile before I hear back. I've also started running (regularly) again! My friend Dana is a great runner and she is always up for a run, which I love! I've even been able to talk through several of our runs...I can't believe it! ha :) I usually left Lydia and Gena to talk through the runs as I huffed alongside them...The reason I've kicked up the running is because I'm running the Baltimore half-marathon this October! Why the Baltimore half-marathon? Because dear best friend Katie lives there! I think Sarah and maybe Lydia are going to run it as well, so it's going to be a great reunion! I'm really excited about it. I think this is going to be great motivation to run over the years. The key: sign up for races in towns where your friends live! I'm hoping to run the St. Jude half in December too, and the only thing spurring me on is that I'm going to be able to see tons of my MSU friends who are going to run it too! I ran that one a few years ago (2009?), and loved it. It's a pretty flat course and now the course goes through the children's hospital-how awesome is that?!
Well my cleaning is calling. Had to take a break...Much love!
1 comment:
Rebecca! I'm so glad I get to keep up with you on your cute blog! And I know what you mean about the picture/caption dilemna... I just decided to put the caption before the picture and tell the post like a story but I still confuse myself! haha I'm so glad you're doing well!
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