Hello blog world! Thought I'd give you an update on recent Benning news...Life has been a bit of a whirlwind recently! Brian and I spent the weekend relaxing, working out, and going to a BBQ that us wives threw for all of the married couples in Charlie Company on Saturday night. We had a really good time! It was nice to finally put faces with names to all of our husbands, and for our husbands to learn who our friends are...They only know them as "Oh, that's _____ wife" (last name, of course), so we thought it was time for them to meet all the girls! And we knew the prospect of food and beverages would lure them in... :) We're so sneaky!
I mentioned awhile ago that I have been applying for jobs and doing some intense job searching. Well, in one of my many Google searches this past week, I came across IFM: International Friendship Ministries. They offer Bible studies, run a cafe, and have a variety of services for interational families, such as ESL classes, women's lunches and craft hours, as well as programs for families and children. I inquired about it Sunday afternoon, and that night the director called me! Very exciting! They serve a large number of military spouses, many of whom are here for their husbands who are participating in WHINSEC (don't ask me, I can never remember what it stands for...it's waaaay too long of a name for what they do...). WHINSEC basically is a school where we (the USA) bring in Army officers from various countries to train them, build relationships, and give them continued tactical learning opportunities. They often come with their families, and IFM works to be a "home away from home" for them while they're here. The director invited me to join his wife for a "meet and greet" on Wednesday, so I went! I also brought along my friend Hannah, who also speaks Spanish! It was so exciting to be in a real home in a neighborhood--haha! Haven't had that experience in awhile! We socialized with the women and got to speak a TON of Spanish! I was nervous at first (like I always am...) but the women were so friendly and open and by the end I felt like we'd been lifelong friends! I also was introduced as...an ESL instructor! Yes, I am now employed! Hannah and I are now teaching ESL classes twice a week to these ladies--we start Sept. 2! We are still trying to decide where we'll be having classes, (either on or off post), but we're hoping to bring in even more learners! It's a volunteer position, but I am so excited about it! I feel so affirmed in my career choice/calling: I am so thrilled to get to plan lessons and give these ladies as many learning experiences as I can! Hannah is just as excited-we're going to have a blast doing this! The director and his wife are delightful...I can't wait to get to know them better! So that is "new responsibility #1".
New responsibility #2 is...my last graduate class EVER.
I cannot tell you how excited I am that this is my last class! It started last night, and it seems like it's going to be a blend of a few classes I've already had (which is awesome)...Second Language Acquisition and Spanish Linguistics--I enjoyed both of those classes, and it seems like there's going to be a lot of overlap. Everyone was so friendly to me at Auburn...now if I can just learn my way around! I know the basics, but the traffic is awful there! I'm going to have to give myself a lot of time to get there and park! The professor seems kind as well, but her accent is a little difficult to understand...going to have to stay focused for the entire class! I have never taken just one class during a fall/spring semester. The poor other students seemed so stressed yesterday-I don't envy them at all! I remember those days of feeling overwhelmed, underprepared, and thrown to the wolves...no thanks! It was last spring...with wedding planning thrown on top. I would prefer to never re-live that schooling experience!
Onto my dear husband. Brian has been in the field since early Tuesday morning and won't be back until late Friday night. They're doing "live fire exercises", which include real rounds in their guns...ah! But they get to do a lot of STX (sticks) lanes (I believe that is "squad tactics"), which puts them in simulation type drills of things they will need to know upon entering a unit as well as that can be used overseas in real combat situations. It's overcast today so I'm super thankful for that--hopefully it's making it a little cooler for them out in the woods!
The girls and I have been doing some Army-related excursions recently...Monday, we spent 4.5 hours out at Fryar Field, waiting for the Airborne students to jump. Finally, they did! I have pictures but they're not on the computer yet--I'll show you soon! It was really neat to see them jump; we know one of the students who's a cadet at MSU, but they're little tiny specks in the air, so I have no idea which one he was! We are also going to a Ranger school demonstration/graduation tomorrow morning, so that should be fun!
Well I think that's about all in Army world...for those of you who've tried to comment and can't, I don't know what the problema is! I've tried through a different account and it let me comment, and I've fixed the settings so that they're the most "open" for comments...Sorry!
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