24 June 2010

About to Burst!

So I'm trying to keep my "blogging" down to once a week, but I have so much fun I sometimes can't contain myself. Especially today. First of all, I got an awesome wake-up text message from my college minister, Joey, who texted to tell me that Kate (his wife) had gone into labor! About an hour later, Brian called and told me we got a HOUSE at Ft. Benning! For both of those announcements, I was jumping around the Starkville house dancing and yelling for joy. No really, I was. No one else is home--I can celebrate, right?

Whew now that I am able to share my excitement and joy with you all, here are some more details!

Joey and Kate (and their precious son Joseph) are some of the people I hold dearest here in Starkville. They replaced our other incredible college minister team (Jon and Elizabeth) about three years ago, and it has been so wonderful getting to know them and they have blessed me so much by allowing me to become a part of their family over the years. They have constantly showered me with love and encouragement and I absolutely love spending time with all three of them. Joseph, who is now 2, is especially dear to my heart and I cannot believe I have to leave him in a week! I've helped watch him since he was around 5 months old, and let's just say I am deeply attached to him. The day he learned and said my name, I melted and have never been able to regain composure since. But, that's ok with me. :) He now calls me around and we play every sport under the sun. Thankfully he doesn't realize that I'm terrible at anything with a ball/bat/hand-eye coordination! Kate originally was due at the beginning of August, and I was a little sad that I wouldn't get to be here for the grand entrance of baby #2. Well, plans changed last week as she and the doctors realized she wasn't going to make it to full term. So early this morning she went into labor and popped out Jamison Charles (James for short!) around 11:30! So far the report is that she's doing well but very tired. (understandably so....) I'm so glad I get to meet and be with little James, even if only for a week! He's also doing well!

Onto even more great news....FT. BENNING! Aside from the fact that we're going to melt in the humidity into a small puddle of sweat, at least we'll have a house to cool off in! It's actually part of a huge house divided into four smaller "houses". We are upstairs, but it's in the neighborhood that I've always wanted to live in on Ft. Benning. The houses are stucco with a brick tile roof-Mexican style! Hello, of course I'm in love with it! We also have 3 BEDROOMS, if you can believe that, and yes, that is an invitation to all to come visit us! We were worried about having too much furniture, but those fears are now subsided. God's goodness and love is just so evident--especially today! I had decided to let go of the control I was attempting to have over the housing situation at Benning, and He has provided! Even if we weren't on post, I am certain He would've provided another way for us. Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow! A new child and two new beginnings--things are promising! Thanks for letting me share my joy with you! My heart is still dancing away!


S. said...

What's the name of the neighborhood at Benning where the house is?

Becca said...

Our address is to Lumpkin--I think it's the building name?